[date=1-1] Vandaag is de Franse chemicus Eugene-Antole Demarcay geboren te Parijs in 1852. Hij is de ontdekker van europium. [date=2-1] Vandaag is de Engelse scheikundige Charles Hatchett geboren in 1765. He is de ontdekker van niobium. Vandaag is de Duitse fysicus Rudolph Clausius, hij is de grondlegger van de moderne themodynamica Hij is te Koszalin (Polen) geboren in 1822. [date=3-1] De Engelse uitvinder en industrieel, Sir Richard Arkwright, geboren in 1733. Bekend voor de mechanische industrialisatie van de textiel industrie De Mars Polar Lander ook bekend als de "Mars Surveyor '98 Lander" ,was gelanceerd in 1999. [date=4-1] Herbert Henry Dow extraheerde broomuit brine in 1891, De gebruikte methode werd gepatenteerd en is genoemd naar zijn ontdekker het "Dow Process" de nucleair scheikundige Aristid von Grosse is geboren in 1905. Hij isoleerde protactinium in 1927 en maakte deel uit van het onderzoeksteam naar uranium-235 fission met trage neutronen samen met Alfred Nier, E. J. Booth en J. R. Dunning in 1940. [date=5-1] Helaas vandaag is er niets noemens waardig gebeurd voor materiaalkundigen en scheikundigen! [date=6-1] John Van Nostrand Dorr is geboren in 1872. Hij was een uitvinder en scheikundige ingenieur, hij heeft de Dorr classificator ontwikkeld voor de scheiding van erts, die is de practische methode vor de scheiding en chemische behandeling van fijne vaste delen in een vloeibare suspentie. [date=7-1] Vandaag is de geboorte dag van Eihardt Mitscherlich (1794). De duitse chemicus was onderzoeker van kristal structuren, katalise, benzeen en bezeen derivaten maar bovenal de ontdekt hij isomorphisme. Henry E. Roscoe geboren in 1833. hij was onderzoeker van de chemische actie van licht. Onderleiding van Robert Bunsen vond hij de actinometer uit (1856) en was hij de eerst die Vanadium isoleerde. Om deze reden is het vanadiumhoudend mineraal Roscoelite naar hem vernoemt. [date=8-1] John. A. Veatch (5 maart 1808) ontdekte borax in mineraal water bij de Tuscan bronnen ( California ) in 1856. [date=9-1] Vnadaag is de geboortedag van Sören P. L. Sörensen (1868). Hij staat bekend als "de vader van de pH",was een onderzoeker naar proteines en amino zuren, enzymen en waterstof ionen concentraties. [date=10-1] Frederick G. Cottrell is geboren in 1877. Hij was onderzoekere naar de bevriezing van stikstof, de liquifractie van gassen en het terugwinnen van helium. Hij is de uitvinder van de electrostatische precipitator (Cottrell) voor precipitatie van deeltjes uit gassen. [date=11-1] Antonio de Ulloa was born in 1716. He discovered platinum with Jorge Juan in 1748. He established the first museum of natural history, the first metallurgical laboratory in Spain and the observatory of Cadiz. [date=12-1] The Swedish chemist Johann August Arfvedson was born in 1792. Charles Darwin was born in 1809. He was an English naturalist who realised and demonstrated that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors through the process he called natural selection. [date=13-1] Pierre J. Robiquet was born in 1780. He discovered asparagine with Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin and discovered the codeine content of opium. Charles F. Mabery was born in 1850. He was a pioneer in petroleum chemistry, electrolytic aluminum and bromine industries. [date=14-1] Rainer Ludwig Claisen was born in 1851. He developed reactions such as condensation of esters and rearrangement of allyl vinyl ethers. He also developed the Claisen flask and Claisen's rule hat relates acidity to enolisation. He did research on tautomerism. [date=15-1] Henry Cavendish presented the quantitative composition of water before the Royal Society in 1784. [date=16-1] The Swedish chemist Anders Gustaf Ekeberg was born in 1767. The first identification of fermium was made in 1953, with a sample of only about 200 atoms at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. [date=17-1] Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706. [date=18-1] Edward Frankland was born in 1825. He is known for his theory of valency, his authority on sanitation and river pollution and the first synthesis of organometallic compound. Hans Goldschmidt invented the alumino-thermite process (Goldschmidt Process) in 1861. [date=19-1] Harry L. Fisher was born in 1885. He was an inventor in the field of rubber technology and synthetic rubber. [date=20-1] Marie Anne Paulze Lavoisier was born in 1758. She was a research assistant, collaborator, illustrator, editor, publisher, and spouse of Antoine Lavoisier. She was later married to Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford. Adolph Frank was born in 1834. He made calcium cyanamide from calcium carbide and nitrogen. George G. Henderson was born in 1862. He was a researcher on catalysis. [date=21-1] In 1941 the Dow Chemical Company, Freeport, Texas, produced an ingot of magnesium, the first commercial ingot of any metal ever to be extracted from seawater. [date=22-1] Karl K. Klaus, the Russian discoverer of ruthenium, was born in 1796. [date=23-1] Paul Langevin was born in 1872. He was a researcher on molecular structure of gases and on the analysis of secondary emission of X-rays from metals exposed to radiation. He is also known for his theory of diamagnetism. Otto Paul Hermann Diels was born in 1876. He developed the diene synthesis and the practical method for making ring compounds from chain compounds (Diels-Alder Reaction). He won the Nobel Prize (1950) with Kurt Alder for their discovery and development of the diene synthesis. [date=24-1] In 1848 gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill in northern California setting off the 49er Gold Rush. Morris W. Travers was born in 1872. He codiscovered krypton, neon and xenon with William Ramsay. In 1966 B. B. Cunningham made the first reported observation of the absorption spectrum of a compound of einsteinium at Berkeley, University of California. [date=25-1] Robert Boyle was born in 1627. He was the discoverer of Boyle's Law. [date=26-1] In 1939 Niels Bohr reported the discovery of nuclear fission by Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman at the Fifth Washington Conference on Theoretical Chemistry. [date=27-1] In 1865 F. August Kekulé presented his benzene structure to Société Chimique, Paris. Louis A. Kahlenberg was born in 1870. He studied solutions, dialysis, gas electrodes, and the activation of gases by metals; investigated potentiometric titrations, boric acid in the treatment of blood poisoning, the use of colloidal gold in treatment of malignancies and the use of dichloroaceticacid in medicine. His criticisms of Arrhenius' theory of ionization led to Debye's and Hückel's modifictions of the theory to account for the electrical interactions of the ions. [date=28-1] Henry C. Bolton was born in 1843. He was a writer and bibliographer of history of chemistry and he studied the action of organic acids on minerals. [date=29-1] Edward W. Morley was born in 1838. He performed ether drift experiments with Albert A. Mickelson and made an extremely accurate determination of combining weights of hydrogen and oxygen. [date=30-1] Harold S. Booth was born in 1891. He was a researcher in inorganic chemistry, particularly fluoride gases. In 2011 scientists in Switzerland reveal that molybenite (MoS2) can be used to make transistors that consume 100 thousand times less energy in standby state. [date=31-1] Theodore W. Richards was born in 1868. He was a researcher on atomic weights, electrochemistry and thermodynamics. He discovered isotopes of lead from uranium and thorium. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in recognition of his accurate determinations of the atomic weight of a large number of chemical elements. Irving Langmuir was born in 1881. He was a researcher of surface chemistry, introduced gas-filled tungsten lamps and the use of atomic hydrogen blowpipe for welding. He invented the condensation pump for producing high vacuums and evolved electronic theory with Gilbert N. Lewis. He won the Nobel Prize (1932) for his discoveries and investigations in surface chemistry. [date=1-2] Emilio Segre was born in 1905. [date=2-2] Michal Sedziwój (Michael Sendivogius) was born in 1566. He was an alchemist; developed methods for isolating and purifying various acids, metals and other chemical compounds; discovered that air is not a single substance and contains a life-giving substance; identified this 'food of life' with the gas given off by heating nitre (saltpetre). Jean Baptiste Joseph Dieudonne Boussingault was born in 1802. He demonstrated that plants absorb nitrogen from soil in form of nitrates and not from air as previously believed. He isolated and named sorbitol. [date=3-2] Lenora Neuffer Bilger was born in 1893. He was a researcher in asymmetric nitrogen compounds and winner of the Garvan Medal. [date=4-2] Friedrich Hermann Hund was born in 1896. He developed Hund's rules for electron configurations, the first of which predicts maximum multiplicity of spin; the molecular-orbital theory (Hund-Mulliken approach). [date=5-2] John Boyd Dunlop was born in 1840. He developed pneumatic rubber tires. [date=6-2] Nikolai D. Zelinsky was born in 1860. He was a researcher on catalysis of disproportionation reactions of hydrocarbons and bromination of fatty acids (Heil-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction). [date=7-2] John B. F. Herreshoff was born in 1850. He developed a method for manufacturing sulfuric acid. In 1864 John A. R. Newlands published his first paper on his law of octaves showing that in order of increasing atomic weights, properties repeated with every 8th element. [date=8-2] Russian chemist, Dmitriy Ivanovich Mendeleev, creator of the Periodic Table, was born in 1834. Although some sources say he was born on the 7th! [date=9-2] Edward C. C. Baly was born in 1871. He showed sugar and other organic compounds formed from water, carbon dioxide, and ammonia under the influence of light. In 1950 californium was discovered by ion exchange chromatography at Berkeley, University of California. [date=10-2] Chemist Per Teodor Cleve was born in Stockholm, 1840. [date=11-2] 1839 Josiah Willard Gibbs, researcher in thermodynamics and phase rule (Gibbs Phase Rule), was born. Free energy is named for him as Gibbs free energy. 1847 Thomas A. Edison, inventor of the incandescent lamp and mimeograph, was born. 1894 Izaac M. Kolthoff, researcher in analytical chemistry; researcher in polarography, voltammetry; amperometric titrations, and synthetic rubber chemistry, was born. 2008 Astronomers at Caltech announce the first organic molecules found on an alien world, giant planet HD 189733b. [date=12-2] 1777 French chemist Bernard Courtois was born. 1785 Pierre L. DuLong, who discovered nitrogen trichloride, was born. He was a researcher on refractive indeces and specific heats of gases; Law of constancy of atomic heat (DuLong and Petit). He suggested that acids were compounds of hydrogen and devised a formula for heat value of fuels (DuLong Formula). [date=13-2] 1672 Etienne-Francois Geoffroy, published first table of chemical affinities and was an early supporter of phlogiston theory, was born. [date=14-2] 1878 Julius Nieuwland, known as the "Father of Acetylene Chemistry" and discoverer of neoprene, was born. 1917 Herbert A. Hauptman, who developed methods for the determination of crystal structures, was born. He won the Nobel Prize (1985) with Jerome Karle for their outstanding achievements in the development of direct methods for the determination of crystal structures. 1961 Lawrencium was produced at University of California, Berkeley. [date=15-2] 1900 Charles Thomas, who received many awards including Priestley medal, was born. [date=16-2] 1826 (Hans Peter Jörgen) Julius Thomsen was born. He tabulated the amount of heat released or absorbed in 3,500 chemical reactions, prepared the first table of the relative strengths of acids. Fabricated of soda from the mineral cryolite (patented in 1853) and established a factory in St. Petersburg capable of producing two tons per day. He designed the modern format of groups and periods on the long form of the Periodic Table of the Elements (1895). 1955 F. P. Bundy, H. T. Hall, H. M. Strong and R. H. O. Wentoff announced synthesis of diamonds at GE Research Laboratories. [date=17-2] 1838 Friedrich K. Beilstein, who published a standard reference work on organic chemistry, 1880-83, was born. It has been updated ever since. [date=18-2] 1745 Alessandro G. A. A. Volta, who invented the voltaic pile "vota pila", was born. He observed the bubbling of methane in swamps and in 1776-77 studied the chemistry of gases, discovered methane, and devised experiments such as the ignition of gases by an electric spark in a closed vessel. The unit of electric potential, the volt, is named in his honor. 1913 Frederick Soddy, who coined the phrase "isotopic elements" for elements that share the same place in the periodic table, was born. [date=19-2] 1799 The German chemist Ferdinand Reich was born in Bernburg on this day. 1955 One atom of mendelevium was produced by He bombardment of one billion atoms of 253Es. [date=20-2] 1844 Ludwig Boltzman was born; he developed the kinetic theory of gases and statistical mechanics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law concerning a relationship between the temperature of a body and the radiation it emits. [date=21-2] 1822 Oliver W. Gibbs, pioneer in inorganic and analytical chemistry, was born. [date=22-2] 1828 Frederich Wöhler in a letter to Jöns J. Berzelius, announced the synthesis of urea from ammonium cyanate, asking whether this is a true synthesis of organic from inorganic material. 1879 Johannes N. Brönsted, who offered the acid-base theory (Brönsted-Lowry), was a researcher in kinetics, properties of ions, catalysis and nitramide, was born. 1902 Fritz Strassman, who with Otto Hahn and Lise Mietner, discovered neutroninduced nuclear fission in uranium (1938) and codeveloped the rubidium-strontium technique of radio-dating geological samples, was born. [date=23-2] 1886 Charles M. Hall is first to produce electrolytic aluminum in his woodshed laboratory at his family's home. 1941 Glenn T. Seaborg et al. chemically identified plutonium at the University of California, Berkeley. [date=24-2] 1981 Observation of the first atom of element 107 at GSI Laboratory, Darmstadt, Germany. [date=25-2] 1896 Ida Noddack, one of the first woman in Germany to study chemistry, was born. [date=26-2] 1903 Giulio Natta, who discovered and elucidated stereospecific polymerization and stereoregular polymers; developed a commercially important polymerization processes; won the Nobel Prize (1963) with Karl Ziegler for their discoveries in the field of the chemistry and technology of high polymers, was born. [date=27-2] 1869 Alice Hamilton, who researched toxic substances in the workplace and was the first female professor at Harvard Medical School, was born. [date=28-2] 1901 Linus C. Pauling, researcher on structure of molecules, valency and resonance was born. The Pauling scale of electronegativity is named after him. [date=29-2] 1908 Dutch scientists produced solid helium. [date=1-3] 1896 Antoine-Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity of uranite in pitchblende. [date=2-3] 1862 Boris Borisovich Galitzine, Russian physicist, was born. 1886 H. Jermain Creighton, researcher in electro-organic chemistry; developed industrial process for electroreduction of glucose to sorbitol and mannitol, was born. [date=3-3] 1709 Andreas Sigismund Marggraf the German chemist and pioneer of analytical chemistry was born. [date=4-3] 1859 Alexander Stepanovich Popov, Russian physicist, was born. 1904 George Gamow, Ukrainian-born physicist, was born. 1947 Willard Libby, et al., first age determination by radiocarbon. [date=5-3] 1637 John van der Heyden, inventer of the fire extinguisher, was born. [date=6-3] 1787 Joseph von Fraunhofer, discoverer of dark lines in the solar spectrum (Fraunhofer lines), was born. [date=7-3] 1788 Antoine-César Becquerel, the first to use electrolysis to recover metals from ores and inventer of an early electric thermometer, was born. [date=8-3] 1879 The German chemist Otto Hahn was born on this day. [date=9-3] 1912 Stanley G. Thompson, co-discoverer of berkelium, californium, einsteinium, fermium and mendelevium, was born. [date=10-3] 1762 Jeremias B. Richter discovered the law of equivalent proportions; first to establish stoichiometry, the basis of quantitative chemical analysis, was born. [date=11-3] 1818 Henri E. Sainte-Claire Deville, the first to prepare pure aluminium, discovered toluene and anhydrous nitrogen pentoxide, was born. [date=12-3] 1824 The German physicist Gustav Robert Kirchhoff was born. [date=13-3] 1733 The English scientist and theologian, Joseph Priestley was born on this day. [date=14-3] Today is Pi day! 1879 Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize winning physicistm was born. 1984 Observation of the first atom of element hassium at the GSI Laboratory, Darmstadt. [date=15-3] 1821 Johann Joseph Loschmidt, developer of the Loschmidt Number, the number of molecules in a cubic centimeter of gas and space-filling formulas of numerous organic compounds, was born. [date=16-3] 1789 Georg Simon Ohm, German physicist, was born. 1834 Hermann W. Vogel, he invented the orthochromatic photographic plate in 1873; designed a photometer; was a researcher in spectroscopic photography, was born. 1859 Alexander Stepanovich Popov, Russian physicist, was born. [date=17-3] 1940 The German physicist Gottfried Münzenberg was born. [date=18-3] 1900 Laueren B. Hitchcock, expert in chemistry of the environment, was born. 1905 Thomas Townsend Brown, American scientist, was born. [date=19-3] 1883 Walter N. Haworth, who synthesized ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), was born. He was researcher on sugars and dextran as blood plasma substitute; Nobel Prize (1937) winner for vitamin synthesis, with Paul Karre 1900 Frédéric J. Joliot (Joliot-Curie), Nobel Prize winner in 1935 with wife Irène Joliot-Curie, for production of artificial radioisotopes, was born. He proved experimentally that neutron emission occurs in nuclear fission with H. Halban and L. W. Kowarski.r. [date=20-3] 1735 Torbern Bergman, Swedish chemist, was born. [date=21-3] 1903 Michael Tswett gave first description of his chromatographic method before the Warsaw Society of Natural Sciences. 1932 Walter Gilbert, researcher on the determination of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) base sequence; Nobel Prize (1980) with Paul Berg and Frederick Sanger for their contributions concerning the determination of base sequences in nucleic acids, was born. [date=22-3] 1788 Pierre J. Pelletier discovered quinine, strychnine and other alkaloids; obtained toluene by distilling pipe resin with Philip Walter, was born. 1868 Robert A. Millikan measured the charge/mass ratio of the electron; Nobel Prize in Physics (1923) "for his work on the elementary charge of electricity and on the photoelectric effect", was born. [date=23-3] 1867 Charles L. Parsons, researcher on beryllium (Be, 4); obtained federal charter for ACS; helped establish Petroleum research Fund, was born. 1881 Hermann Staudinger, researcher on the chemistry of macromolecular substances; Nobel Prize (1953) for his discoveries in the field of macromolecular chemistry, was born. 1895 William Crookes identified new gas (isolated from air by William Ramsay) as helium that had been discovered in the Sun 27 years earlier by Norman Lockyer. 1962 Neil Bartlett made the first noble gas compound, XePtF6. [date=24-3] 1494 Georgius Agricola, "Father of Minerology"; described mining and mellurgical processes, was born. 1711 William Brownrigg, first to describe platinum and use of pneumatic trough for collection of gases, was born. 1884 Peter Joseph William Debye, researcher in dipole moments and powder method of x-ray diffraction, was born. He won the Nobel Prize (1936) for his contributions to our knowledge of molecular structure through his investigations on dipole moments and on the diffraction of X-rays and electrons in gases. [date=25-3] 1884 Georges Imbert, Alsatian chemist, was born. [date=26-3] 1753 Count Rumford (Benjamin Thompson) invented simple photometer; researcher in heat; demonstrated first law of 1838 A. Crum Brown devised modern structural formulae, 1864; formulated rules for substitution in benzene derivatives named after him; researcher in theory of isomerism and organic compounds of sulfur, was born.thermodynamics; improved cooking and heating systems and animal breeding; married Antoine Lavoisier's widow, was born. 1903 Ferdinand G. Brickwedde codiscovered deuterium, 1932, with Harold C. Urey and G. M. Murphy, was born. [date=27-3] 1824 Johann W. Hittorf, a researcher in electrolysis of salt solutions, transport numbers, ion migrations, and electrical discharges in gases, was born. 1845 Wilhelm K. Röntgen, who discovered X-rays, was born. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics (1901) in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him; researcher in specific heats and heat conduction in crystals. 1847 Otto Wallach, researcher on essential oils and terpenes; Nobel Prize (1910) in recognition of his services to organic chemistry and the chemical industry by his pioneer work in the field of alicyclic compounds, was born. 1861 Nikolai Y. Demjanov, researcher on decomposition of aliphatic diazonium ions, Demjanov-Tiffeneau rearrangement, was born. [date=28-3] 1941 Glenn T. Seaborg, et al., showed that plutonium-239 undergoes fission by slow neutrons, leading to the plutonium bomb as a goal for the Manhattan Project. [date=29-3] 1883 Donald D. Van Slyke, pioneer in clinical chemistry, was born. 1898 Herrick L. Johnston, researcher on low temperatures, was born. [date=30-3] 1842 Crawford W. Long first used ether as anesthetic. [date=31-3] 1811 German chemist Robert Wilhelm Bunsen was born in Gottingen. [date=1-4] 1860 Sergei N. Reformatsky, who synthesized organozinc halides (Reformatsky reaction), was born. [date=2-4] 1953 Francis H. C. Crick and James D. Watson mailed 900-word article on structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to Nature. [date=3-4] 1902 The Electrochemical Society was organized the American Electrochemical Society. [date=4-4] 1923 Ira Remsen awarded first Priestley Medal. [date=5-4] 1827 Joseph Lister, who introduced antiseptics, such as carbolic acid (phenol, C6H5OH), was born. [date=6-4] 1863 James Walker, researcher on hydrolysis, ionization constants and amphoteric electrolytes with organic compounds, was born. 1928 James D. Watson, researcher on the double helix structure of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule, was born. 2010 Russian and American scientists create six atoms of element 117 by smashing isotopes of calcium and berkelium. [date=7-4] 1894 Louis P. Hammett, who developed the Hammett equation for linear free-energy relationship and correlation of changes in chemical properties with chemical structures, was born. [date=8-4] 1818 August Wilhelm von Hofmann, German chemist, was born. 1911 Melvin Calvin, American chemist and Nobel laureate, was born. [date=9-4] 1770 Thomas Johann Seebeck, German physicist, was born. 1930 F. Albert Cotton, American chemist, was born. [date=10-4] 1863 Paul Louis Toussaint Héroult, who discovered the electrolytic aluminium process, was born. [date=11-4] 1804 Otto Erdmann, professor of chemical technology, U. Leipzig and redetermined atomic weights of elements with R. F. Marchand, was born. [date=12-4] 1872 French chemist and discoverer of Lutetuim, Georges Urbain, was born. [date=13-4] 1784 Tobern Bergman confirmed Müller von Reichenstein's results that the substance isolated from a bismuth ore was a new element tellurium. [date=14-4] 1927 Alan MacDiarmid, researcher on the synthesis of conductive polymers and Nobel Prize winner, was born. [date=15-4] 1710 William Cullen, first to notice that heat is produced during compression of a gas, was born. [date=16-4] 1728 Joseph Black, who developed the concept of latent heat and laid foundation for modern quantitative analysis, was born. 1799 Humphry Davy performed first physiological experiment on nitrous oxide by inhaling it on this day. [date=17-4] 1869 Robert Robertson, researcher in explosives including amato and tetryl (trinitrophenylmethylnitramine), was born. 1975 Paul A Freshney was born, in Nottingham, England. :) [date=18-4] 1838 French chemist Paul Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran was born. [date=19-4] 1776 Antoine L. Lavoisier admitted that he and Joseph Priestley discovered the same facts about oxygen but claimed the right to its discovery because he recognized it as an element - Priestley explained its formation in terms of phlogiston. 1912 The American chemist Glenn Theodore Seaborg was born. [date=20-4] 1904 George Stibitz, American scientist, was born. 1918 Kai Siegbahn, Swedish physicist and Nobel Prize laureate, was born. 1927 Karl Alexander Müller, Swiss physicist and Nobel Prize laureate, was born. [date=21-4] 1882 Percy W. Bridgman, who studied effect of pressure on substances, showed that viscosity increases with high pressure and won the Nobel Prize in Physics (1946), was born. [date=22-4] 1893 Wendell M. Latimer, researcher in the theory of hydrogen bonding and thermodynamics of aqueous solutions, was born. [date=23-4] 1484 The Italian scholar and physician Julius Caesar Scaliger was born. 1858 Max K. E. L. Planck, who introduced quantum theory and was a researcher in thermodynamics, was born. [date=24-4] 1817 Jean Charles Galissard de Marignac, the Swiss chemist, was born. [date=25-4] 1900 Wolfgang Pauli, who won the the Nobel Prize in Physics(1945) for the discovery of the Exclusion Principle, was born. [date=26-4] 1775 Antoine L Lavoisier reported that heated mercury forms red calyx, HgO, while the air is reduced in volume and no longer supports combustion, heated red calyx to liberate oxygen. [date=27-4] 1913 Philip Abelson was born in Tacoma, USA. [date=28-4] 1941 K. Barry Sharpless, who discovered and developed many catalytic oxidation processes for stereoselective oxidation, was born. [date=29-4] 1893 Harold C. Urey, first to isolate heavy water (D2O) and Nobel Prize in Chemistry winner, was born. [date=30-4] 1897 Joseph J. Thomson announced discovery of the electron as a body smaller than atoms but a constituent of it. 1958 Albert Ghiorso, et al., announced the discovery of mendelevium based upon research done at the University of California, Berkeley. [date=1-5] 1824 Alexander W. Williamson, researcher on alcohols and ethers and the first to suggest the intermediate compound theory of catalysis with Kay, was born. [date=2-5] 1802 Heinrich Gustav Magnus, a German chemist and physicist who discovered (amongst other things) the Magnus effect (the lift force produced by a rotating cylinder which, for example, gives the curve to a curve ball), was born. [date=3-5] 1895 Herman F. Mark, "Father of polymer chemistry"; developed process for production of styrene from ethylbenzene, was born. [date=4-5] 1777 Louis J. Thenard, who discovered hydrogen peroxide and Thenard's blue used in colouring porcelain and showed that caustic soda and potash contained hydrogen and oxygen, was born. [date=5-5] 1958 Albert Ghiorso, et al., announced the discovery of nobelium based on work done at University of California, Berkeley. [date=6-5] 1871 F. Victor Grignard, who developed magnesium reagent used in organic chemistry and won the Nobel Prize (1912) for the discovery of the so-called Grignard reagent, was born. [date=7-5] 1871 Richard B. Moore, who advocated helium for ballons and dirigibles and supervised production of radium salts in US, was born. [date=8-5] 1855 Bohuslav Brauner, researcher in the chemistry of tellurium and the rare earths and predicted the existence of element 61, was born. [date=9-5] 1927 Manfred Eigen, who shared Nobel Prize (1967) with Ronald George Wreyford Norrish and George Porter for their studies of extremely fast chemical reactions, effected by disturbing the equilibrium by means of very short pulses of energy, was born. [date=10-5] 1830 François M. Raoult, who discovered the law (Raoult's Law) that vapour pressure of a solution is proportional to the number of molecules per unit volume in the solution, was born. 1860 Robert Bunsen and Gustav R. Kirchhoff announced the discovery of cesium. [date=11-5] 1904 Donald F. Othmer, chemical engineer; developer of Othmer still, was born. [date=12-5] 1910 Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, who determined the structure of Vitamin B12 using xrays, was born. [date=13-5] 1857 Ronald Ross, who discovered that malaria was transmitted by Anopheles mosquito, was born. 2009 Scientists show that when cooled and squeezed very hard europium turns in to a superconductor. This makes europium the 53rd of the 92 naturally occuring elements to possess superconductivity. [date=14-5] 1878 The name "vaseline" for petroleum jelly was given a trademark. 1899 Pierre Victor Auger, French physicist, was born. [date=15-5] 1859 French physicist Pierre Curie, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903, was born. [date=16-5] 1763 The French scientist, and discoverer of chromium and beryllium, Louis Nicolas Vauquelin was born. [date=17-5] 1836 Joseph N. Lockyer, who discovered helium in the Sun, was born. [date=18-5] 1901 Vincent du Vigneaud, who studied sulfur containing proteins (including insulin), was born. [date=19-5] 1914 Max F. Perutz, who studied the structure of hemoproteins using x-ray diffraction, was born. [date=20-5] 1890 Francis O. Rice, a researcher in free radicals, was born. [date=21-5] 1792 Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis, French scientist, was born. 1921 Andrei Sakharov, Russian physicist, was born. [date=22-5] 1912 Herbert C. Brown, researcher in organoboron and carbocation chemistry and Nobel Prize winner, was born. 1927 George A. Olah, researcher in carbocations and their role in chemical reactions of hydrocarbons and Nobel Prize winner, was born. [date=23-5] 1854 Edgar Fahs Smith, researcher in electrochemistry and history of chemistry, was born [date=24-5] 1686 Daniel Fahrenheit, the first person to use mercury in a thermometer, was born. [date=25-5] 1865 Pieter Zeeman, who studied the influence of magnetism on the nature of radiation, splitting of spectral lines (Zeeman Effect), was born. [date=26-5] 1865 Max Julius Louis Le Blanc, who was researcher on electrochemical polarization and electrodes; introduced the hydrogen electrode, was born. 1895 Helen Marie Dyer, who did research on chemotherapy, was born. 2010 Research out of Japan suggests a new crystal form of titanium oxide can be used to make optical storage discs with 1000 times more capacity than current Blu-ray discs, up to 25TB. [date=27-5] 1840 Lars F. Nilson discovered scandium, was born. 1857 Theodor Curtius, a researcher in chemistry of hydrazines and azides; the Curtius rearrangement and characterized benzoylglycylglycine, was born. 1909 Mary Fieser researcher on quinones, natural products, and steroids; coauthored texts in organic chemistry with her husband, was born. [date=28-5] 1836 Alexander Mitscherlich, German chemist, was born. 1872 Marian Smoluchowski, Polish physicist, was born. 1887 Kasmir Fajans established radioactive displacement law and initiated concept of heat of hydration of gaseous ions, was born. [date=29-5] 1794 The French chemist Antoine Bussy was born. [date=30-5] 1916 The American scientist Joseph W. Kennedy was born. [date=31-5] 1931 John Robert Schrieffer, American physicist and Nobel Prize laureate, was born. 2012 Elements 114 (flerovium) and 116 (livermorium) were officially named on this day. [date=1-6] 1917 William Knowles, who shared Nobel Prize (2001) with Ryoji Noyori for their work on chirally catalysed hydrogenation reactions and K. Barry Sharpless for his work on chirally catalysed oxidation reactions, was born. [date=2-6] 1787 The Swedish chemist Nils Gabriel Sefstrüm was born. [date=3-6] 1960 Robert B. Woodward synthesized chlorophyll. [date=4-6] 1886 Henri Moissan isolated fluorine by electrolysis of solution of KHF2 in anhydrous HF. [date=5-6] 1760 Finnish chemist Johan Gadolin was born. [date=6-6] 1943 Richard E. Smalley, researcher in supersonic beam laser spectroscopy and discoverer of fullerenes, was born. [date=7-6] 1896 Robert Sanderson Milliken, researcher in molecular orbital and electronic structure of molecules and Nobel Prize winner, was born. [date=8-6] 1916 Francis H. C. Crick, who determined structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and won the Nobel Prize in Medicine (1962) with James D. Watson and Maurice H. F. Wilkins for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nuclear acids and its significance for information transfer in living material, was born. 1940 Edwin M. McMillan and Philip Abelson announced discovery of neptunium (Np, 93). 2016 The names nihonium, moscovium, tennessine and oganesson were recommended by an international scientific group, for the elements previously known as ununtrium, ununpentium, ununseptium and ununoctium. [date=9-6] 1862 Herbert B. Baker, researcher on effect of water on chemical change and authority on desiccating gases and poison gases, was born. [date=10-6] 1803 Henry Darcy, French scientist, was born. 1861 Pierre Duhem, French physicist, was born. [date=11-6] 1885 Frederick G. Keyes, researcher on thermodynamic properties of matter, kinetic theory and application of thermodynamics to equilibria, was born. 2012 IUPAC approves the names flerovium and livermorium for elements 114 and 116. [date=12-6] 1899 Fritz A. Lipmann, discovered coenzyme A and the central role of ATP in metabolism, was born. [date=13-6] 1831 James Clerk Maxwell, researcher in electromagnetic theory (Maxwell's equations), thermodynamics (Maxwell relations), and kinetic theory of gases (Maxwell velocity distribution); devised the "Maxwell's demon", was born. [date=14-6] 1862 Johann Ulrich Nef, known as the "Father of Physical Organic Chemistry", discovered the valence of carbon; research on free radicals and transition state in organic reactions, was born. [date=15-6] 1754 Juan Jose Elhuya the co-discoverer of tungsten was born. [date=16-6] 1869 Henry E. Roscoe announced isolation of metallic vanadium. 1897 Georg Wittig, researcher in conversion of C=O to C=C (Wittig reaction) and Nobel Prize winner, was born. [date=17-6] 1832 Sir William Crookes, the English chemist, was born. [date=18-6] 1906 Maria Goeppert Mayer, who developed the shell model of the nucleus and won the Nobel Prize in Physics, was born. [date=19-6] 1897 Cyril N. Hinshelwood, researcher in chemical kinetics and Nobel Prize winner, was born. [date=20-6] 1886 James R. Partington, researcher on specific heat of gases and historian of chemistry, was born. [date=21-6] 1781 Siméon-Denis Poisson, French mathematician and physicist, was born. 1811 Carlo Matteucci, Italian physicist, was born. 1870 Clara Immerwahr, German chemist, was born. 1906 M. S. Tswett submitted the first paper on chromatography; "Physico-chemical studies on chlorophyll. Adsorption behavior", to the Journal of the German Botanical Society. [date=22-6] 1892 Nathaniel Howell Furman, researcher on analytical separation of uranium, was born. [date=23-6] 1775 Etienne-Louis Malus, who discovered the polarization of light and developed theory of double refraction of light in crystals, was born. [date=24-6] 1840 Émile DuClaux, researcher on osmosis, molecular adhesion and surface tension, was born. [date=25-6] 1812 Hermann von Fehling, who discovered Fehling's solution as an oxidizing agent and as analytical reagent for aldehydes and sugars adn the composition of paraldehyde and metaldehyde, was born. [date=26-6] 1694 Georg Brandt, who discovered cobalt and one of the first chemists to abandon alchemy as a science, was born. 1824 Lord Kelvin (William Thompson), who established theory and practice of thermodynamics, defined the scale of absolute temperature (Kelvin), was born. [date=27-6] 1909 Arthur Clay Cope, researcher in synthetic organic chemistry including medium-sized ring compounds, was born. [date=28-6] 1927 F. Sherwood Rowland, a researcher in atmospheric chemistry (particularly concerning the formation and decomposition of ozone, was born. [date=29-6] 1787 Nils G. Sefstrom, one of the discoverers of vanadium, was born. [date=30-6] 1827 Swiss chemist Jacques-Louis Soret was born. [date=1-7] 1740 Müller von Reichenstein discovered tellurium (Te, 52) 1782. [date=2-7] 1862 William H. Bragg, researcher in x-rays and crystal structure and Nobel Prize winner, was born. [date=3-7] 1826 Antoine-Jerome Balard announced discovery of bromine to Académie de Sciences, Paris. [date=4-7] 1906 Vincent Joseph Schaefer, invented "cloud-seeding," artificially causing rain or snow using dry ice pellets, was born. [date=5-7] 1853 Hendrik A. Lorentz, researcher in kinetic theory and thermodynamics and Nobel Prize winner, was born. [date=6-7] 1903 Axel Hugo Theodor Theorell, researcher in oxidation enzymes and Nobel Prize winner, was born. [date=7-7] 1914 Robert Goddard obtained patent for liquid fuel rocket, Patent #1,102,653 liquid-fuel gun rocket. [date=8-7] 1994 Jason Cardell reported in Science that interstellar abundances of the elements including thallium and lead are detected in interstellar gas. [date=9-7] 1894 Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, Russian physicist and Nobel Prize laureate, was born. 1911 John A. Wheeler, American physicist, was born. 1926 Ben Roy Mottelson, American-born physicist, Nobel Prize laureate, was born. [date=10-7] 1902 Kurt Adler developed the diene synthesis; Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1950) with Otto P. H. Diels for their discovery and development of the diene synthesis (Diels-Alder reaction), was born. 1920 Owen Chamberlain, American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate, was born. [date=11-7] 1927 Theodore Harold Maiman, invented the first operable laser (a ruby laser), was born. [date=12-7] 1635 Robert Hooke, researcher on the theory of gases and combustion and "the father of microscopy", was born. 1898 The discovery of xenon by William Ramsay and Morris W. Travers was announced. [date=13-7] 1527 John Dee, an English alchemist, was born. 1826 Stanislao Cannizzaro, who convinced chemists of Avogadro's hypothesis and was a researcher in organic chemistry producing benzyl alcohol and benzoic acid from benzaldehyde, was born. [date=14-7] 1874 The French chemist Andre Louis Debierne was born [date=15-7] 1915 The American nuclear scientist Albert Ghiorso was born. [date=16-7] 1945 Explosion of first atomic bomb at Trinity Site, Alamogordo Air Force Base, New Mexico. [date=17-7] 1827 Frederick Augustus Abel, chemist to the war department and ordnance committees in England (1854-1888), invented (with Sir James Dewar) the smokeless explosive known as cordite and pioneered a new way of manufacturing gun-cotton (a nitrated form of nitrocellulose), was born. [date=18-7] 1853 Hendrik A. Lorentz, researcher in thermodynamics and kinetic theory, was born. 1937 Roald Hoffmann, who applied molecular orbital theory to organic chemical reactions with Robert B. Woodward (Woodward-Hoffmann Rules), was born. [date=19-7] 1910 Paul J. Flory, a researcher in physical chemistry of macromolecules and Nobel Prize winner, was born. [date=20-7] 1897 Tadeus Reichstein, Polish-born chemist, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine laureate was born. 1947 Gerd Binnig, German-born physicist and Nobel laureate, was born. 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on the moon. "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". [date=21-7] 1810 Henri Victor Regnault, French chemist, was born. 1923 Rudolph A. Marcus, helped develop RRKM (Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus) theory of unimolecular reactions; Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1992) for contributions to theory of electron-transfer reactions, was born. [date=22-7] 1853 Ernst Beckmann, who discovered the rearrangement of oximes of ketones into acid amides or anilides (Beckmann Molecular Transformation), was born. [date=23-7] 1717 Joseph M. F. Lassone, who discovered carbon dioxide (in 1776), was born. [date=24-7] 1843 William de Wiveleslie Abney was born. He investigated colour photography and colour vision; pioneered a method to measure the relative proportions of the primaries in a sample colour; first to take infra-red photographs, and study the solar infra-red spectrum; introduced hydroquinone (1880) as an effective photograph developing chemical; measured infra-red spectra of organic compounds (1885); studied how sunlight is altered in passing through the atmosphere and invented the abney level. [date=25-7] 1920 Rosalind Franklin, researcher in x-ray crystallography of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), was born. 1931 German physicist Peter Armbruster was born . [date=26-7] 1799 Isaac Babbitt, invented an anti-friction metal (Babbitt Metal), was born. [date=27-7] 1848 German physicist Friedrich Ernst Dorn the discoverer of radon was born. [date=28-7] 1842 Albert Ladenburg, who synthesized coniine, piperidine, pyridine and other compounds, was born. [date=29-7] 1898 Isidor Isaac Rabi, American physicist and Nobel Prize Laureate, was born [date=30-7] 1889 Vladimir Zworykin, Russian physicist, was born. [date=31-7] 1800 The German physician and chemist Friedrich Wöhler was born. 1825 August Beer, who discovered that absorption of light is related to amount and length of absorbing material (Beer's Law), was born. [date=1-8] 1885 Hungarian chemist George Charles de Hevesy was born. [date=2-8] 1776 Friedrich Stromeyer, who discovered cadmium, was born. [date=3-8] 1869 Isaac Adams' patent on nickel plating was issued. [date=4-8] 1859 William Sutherland, research on relationship between viscosity of gas and temperature, was born. [date=5-8] 1936 Robert R. Williams and J. K. Cline synthesized vitamin B1. [date=6-8] 1766 The English scientist William Hyde Wollaston was born. [date=7-8] 1853 Arthur Michael, who developed entropy-based theory of organic reactions, was born. [date=8-8] 1902 Paul A. M. Dirac, who researched relativistic quantum mechanics including electron spin (Dirac equation) and won the Nobel Prize in Physics with E. Schrödinger (in 1933), was born. [date=9-8] 1776 Amadeo Avogrado, who theorized that the number of particles in any gas is always the same for equal volumes, was born. [date=10-8] 1897 Felix Hoffman, who improved manufacture of acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin, for use in treatment of arthritis, was born. [date=11-8] 1852 Harold B. Dixon, a researcher on explosion of gases and combustion, was born. [date=12-8] 1887 Erwin Schrödinger, researcher in quantum mechanics and Nobel Prize winner, was born. 2012 Researchers at the RIKEN Nishina Centre for Accelerator-Based Science in Japan created element 113, which quickly decaded. [date=13-8] 1872 Richard M. Willstätter, who studied aliphatic amines and alkaloids and won the Nobel Prize in 1915 for his researches on plant pigments, especially chlorophyll, was born. [date=14-8] 1777 Hans Christian Oersted the Danish chemist who produced metallic aluminium for the first time was born. 1886 The Canadian-American physicist Arthur Jeffrey Dempster was born. [date=15-8] 1919 Arthur W. Adamson, researcher in photochemistry of coordination, was born. [date=16-8] 1845 Gabriel Lippmann was born. He developed the capillary electrometer; a general theory of his process for the photographic reproduction of colour; Nobel Prize in Physics (1908) for his method of reproducing colours photographically based on the phenomenon of interference. [date=17-8] 1893 The German physicist Walter Noddack was born in Berlin. [date=18-8] 1955 Taher ElGamal, Egyptian scientist, was born. [date=19-8] 1745 Johan G. Gahn, who discovered and isolated manganese and discovered phosphoric acid in bones with Karl W. Scheele, was born. 1830 Lothar Meyer, who developed the periodic table independently of Dimitri Mendeleev at same time, 1869, was born. [date=20-8] 1779 Jüns Jacob Berzelius the Swedish chemist was born. [date=21-8] 1813 Jean S. Stas, who developed methods for determination of atomic weights and analysis, was born. [date=22-8] 1647 Denis Papin, French physicist and inventor, was born. 1913 Bruno Pontecorvo, Italian physicist, was born. 1941 Hannspeter Winter, Austrian plasma physicist, was born. [date=23-8] 1933 Robert F. Curl Jr., a researcher in microwave and infrared spectroscopy and Nobel prize winner with Harold W. Kroto and Richard E. Smalley for their discovery of fullerenes, was born. [date=24-8] 1895 Morris S. Kharasch, who developed synthetic applications of free radical chemistry, was born. [date=25-8] 1900 Hans A. Krebs, discovered the urea cycle and citric acid cycle or Krebs Cycle, was born. [date=26-8] 1743 French nobleman Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier was born. [date=27-8] 1859 Edwin Drake discovered petroleum in Pennsylvania. 1913 Martin Kamen, codiscoverer of carbon-14 with Samuel Rubin , was born. [date=28-8] 1749 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer and scientist, was born. 1878 George Whipple, American scientist and Nobel laureate, was born. [date=29-8] 1834 Hermann J. P. Sprengel, researcher in discharge tubes and inventer of the vacuum pump, was born. 1982 Observation of first atom of element 109 at GSI Laboratory, Darmstadt, on this day. [date=30-8] 1871 Ernest Rutherford, who formulated theory of radioactive decay and discovered the atomic nucleus, was born. [date=31-8] 1887 Frederick A. Paneth, a researcher on age of rocks by measuring helium formed, was born. [date=1-9] 1858 The Austrian chemist Carl Auer Baron von Welsbach was born. [date=2-9] 1877 The English radiochemist Frederick Soddy was born. [date=3-9] 1869 Fritz Pregl, a researcher in microchemical analysies, was born. [date=4-9] 1913 Stanford Moore, who the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1972) with William H. Stein for their contribution to the understanding of the connection between chemical structure and catalytic activity of the active centre of the ribonuclease molecule and Christian B. Anfinsen for his work on ribonuclease, especially concerning the connection between the amino acid sequence and the biologically active conformation. [date=5-9] 1869 Jacobus H. van't Hoff completes his famous 11 page treatise on the tetrahedral carbon atom, marking the birth of stereochemistry. [date=6-9] 1766 The English chemist John Dalton was born. [date=7-9] 1828 Alexandre M. Butlerov, researcher on the structural theory of organic chemistry; first used term chemical structure; synthesized polymer of formaldehyde, was born. 1829 F. August Kekulé was born. He conceived the ring structure of benzene in 1865. He described the quadrivalence of carbon and structural theory of organic chemistry in 1858 and synthesized acetylene in 1864. 1854 Paul Vielle, invented smokeless powder, Poudre B, from gelatinized nitrocellulose mixed with alcohol and ether, was born. [date=8-9] Vandaag is de geboorte dag (1917) van de amerikaanse natuurkundige Arthur C. Wahl. Die als doctoraat student van Glenn T. Seaborg aan de universiteit Plutonium isoleerde in Februari 1941;Tijdens het staf overleg van het departement Materiaalkunde wordt het startschot gegeven voor de Introductie van deze interactieve Tabel van Mendeleev. [date=9-9] 1858 Carl Auer von Welsbach, researcher on rare earths; invented incandescent mantle (Welsbach Mantle or Auerlicht); discovered neodymium, praseodymium, 1885, and lutetium, with Georges Urbain, was born. 1929 Discovery of Konel, a cobalt-nickel alloy, announced by Westinghouse Laboratories. 1974 Albert Ghiorso and Glenn T. Seaborg announced the discovery of element 106 at the University of California, Berkeley. [date=10-9] Vandaag is de verjaardag van de in 1797 geboren Zweedse natuurkundige Gustav Mosander. [date=11-9] Vandaag is de geboortedag (1894) van Carl S. Marvel, onderzoeker in de organische chemie en polymeersynthese. Zijn onderzoek was baanbrekend op het vlak van de structuur van vinyl polymeren, gemaakt vaan structure of vinyl polymers prepared from polyvinylchloride proving the polymers formed with chlorine atoms on alternate carbon atoms (head-to-tail), was born. [date=12-9] Vandaag is de geboorte dag van Irene Joliot-Curie (1897) . Zij was een Franse wetenschapper en heeft in 1935 de Nobelprijs voor chemie ontvangen. Zij is evenals haar moeder Marie Curie aan Leukemie overleden door een overdosis aan straling opgelopen tijdens haar onderzoek. Tijdens het staf overleg van het departement Materiaalkunde wordt het startschot gegeven voor de Introductie van deze interactieve Tabel van Mendeleev. [date=13-9] 1945 B. B. Cunningham and L. B. Werner isolated the first microscopic amount of compound of americium at the wartime Metallurgical Laboratory, University of Chicago. [date=14-9] 1698 Charles F. de Cisternay DuFay discovered + and - electricity and repulsion between like charges and named them "vitreous" and "resinous; research in phosphorescence and double refraction. [date=15-9] 1828 test Aleksandr Mikhailovich Butlerov, Russian chemist, was born. 1894 Oskar Klein, Zweedse natuurkundige, is geboren. [date=16-9] 1853 Albrecht Kossel, researcher in chemistry of cells and proteins; Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1910) in recognition of the contributions to our knowledge of cell chemistry made through his work on proteins, including the nucleic substances. 1893 Albert Szent-Györgyi isolated ascorbic acid (Vitamin C); researcher on bioenergetics, carbohydrate metabolism and cellular oxidation; Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1937) for his discoveries in connection with the biological combustion processes, with special reference to vitamin C and the catalysis of fumaric acid. [date=17-9] 1677 Stephen Hales, English physiologist, chemist and inventor, was born. 1901 Peter Cooper Hewitt obtained patent for mercury vapour lamp. [date=18-9] 1907 The American physicist Edwin Mattison McMillan was born. [date=19-9] 1861 Alexandre M. Butlerov presented the first definition and use of term, chemical structure, before Speyer Congress. [date=20-9] 1842 James Dewar, the first to liquefy hydrogen (1899) and inventer of the vacuum flask (Dewar flask), was born. [date=21-9] 1832 Louis P. Cailletet, a researcher on the liquefaction of gases, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and air, as born. [date=22-9] 1791 The English chemist and physicist Michael Faraday was born. [date=23-9] 1915 Clifford Shull, researcher in using neutrons to study atomic structure of materials, was born. [date=24-9] 1870 Georges Claude, French chemist, was born. 1874 Alexander Findlay, authority on the phase rule, was born. [date=25-9] 1813 Charles Hatchett published a method for separating iron from manganese. [date=26-9] 1754 Joseph-Louis Proust, who articulated the Law of Definite Proportions, was born. [date=27-9] 1934 Announcement of the discovery of synthetic abrasive to replace diamond. [date=28-9] 1791 The English chemist and physicist Michael Faraday was born. [date=29-9] 1852 French chemist Ferdinand Frederic Henri Moissan was born. [date=30-9] 1802 The French chemist Antoine-Jerome Balard was born in Montpellier. [date=1-10] 1868 Georg Bredig, researcher on anomalous atomic weights of lead from different sources, was born. [date=2-10] 1791 Alexis T. Petit, who studied specific heats of solids and discovered product of specific heat and atomic weight is constant for all elements (Dulong-Petit law), was born. 1852 The Scottish chemist Sir William Ramsay was born. [date=3-10] 1904 Charles J. Pedersen, found that alkali metal ions could be bound by crown ethers in a rigid layered structure; Nobel Prize (1987) with Jean-Marie Lehn and Donald J. Cram for their development and use of molecules with structure-specific interactions of high selectivity, was born. [date=4-10] 1957 Sputnik I, the first artificial earth satellite, launched by the USSR. [date=5-10] 1889 Dirk Coster, Dutch physicist and discover of hafnium, was born. [date=6-10] 1807 Humphry Davy at the Royal Institution in London, England, isolated potassium. 2010 Richard F. Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki were announced as the winners of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, for their work on "palladium-catalysed formation of carbon-carbon bonds." [date=7-10] 1885 Niels Bohr, who proposed the "solar system" model of atom and won the Nobel Prize in 1922 for his services in the investigation of the structure of atoms and of the radiation emanating from them, was born. [date=8-10] 1850 Henry Le Chatelier, who discovered the law of reaction governing the effect of pressure and temperature on equilibrium (Le Chatelier's Law), was born. [date=9-10] 1718 Pierre J. Macquer, who studied platinum and discovered arsenates of potassium and sodium, was born. 1996 Robert F. Curl and Sir Harold W. Kroto were announced as the winners of the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, for their "discovery of fullerenes." [date=10-10] 1731 The English chemist and physicist Henry Cavendish was born. 2009 Gerhard Ertl was announced as the winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, for his studies of "chemical processes on solid surfaces." [date=11-10] 1755 The Spanish chemist Fausto de Elhuyar y de Suvisa was born. 1995 Paul Crutzen, Mario Molina and F. Sherwood Rowland were announced as the winners of the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, for their word "in atmospheric chemistry, particularly concerning the formation and decomposition of ozone." 2000 Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid and Hideki Shirakawa were announced as the winners of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, for their "discovery and development of conductive polymers." [date=12-10] 1827 J. P. Cooke, first to use laboratory instruction in an undergraduate (Harvard University) course, was born. 1999 Ahmed H. Zewail was announced as the winner of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, for his "studies of the transition states of chemical reactions using femtosecond spectroscopy." [date=13-10] 1884 Greenwich is established as the universal time meridian of longitude. [date=14-10] 1886 Jacobus H. Van't Hoff presented law showing that osmotic pressure of a dilute solution obeys Boyle's, Charles's and Avogadro's Laws, and that pV = RT before the Swedish Academy of Sciences. [date=15-10] 1608 Evangelista Torricelli, the first man to create a sustained vacuum and discovered the principle of the barometer, was born. [date=16-10] 1846 William T. G. Morton demonstated the use of ether as anesthetic at Massachusetts General Hospital. [date=17-10] 1873 Lev A. Chugaev, who developed complexing agents for analysis; studied inorganic chemistry of metal complexes and xanthate pyrolysis, was born. [date=18-10] 1799 Christian F. Schönbein, discoverer of ozone, was born. 1955 Emilo Segrè and Owen Chamberlain discover a new sub-atomic sub particle, negative proton or antiproton. [date=19-10] 1870 Robert Bowie Owens, who detected thorium radiation, was born. 1909 The French physicist Marguerite Catherine Perey was born. [date=20-10] 1891 James Chadwick, who discovered the neutron and won the Nobel Prize in 1935 for this, was born. [date=21-10] Georg E. Stahl was born in 1660. He was a researcher on oxidation and reduction. In 1803 John Dalton presented the first experimental evidence for atoms before the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. Alfred Nobel was born in 1833. He invented dynamite and established the Nobel Prizes. [date=22-10] Thomas Seebeck, a Baltic German physicist, was born in 1770. [date=23-10] Today is Mole day! [date=24-10] Roger Clark Wells was born in 1877. He was a researcher on sodium compounds and chemical analyses of radioactive minerals. [date=25-10] William Higinbotham was born in 1910. He was an American physicist. [date=26-10] Martin Lowry, British chemist, was born in 1874. [date=27-10] In 1827 Marcellin P. E. Berthelot, a founder of thermochemistry showed that nitrogen was fixed by electric discharges and bacteria. He invented / discovered synthesized alcohol, formic acid, methane and acetylene. John E. Lennard-Jones was born in 1894. He was a researcher on surface chemistry, chemistry of carbon, liquid structure and interatomic forces. [date=28-10] Zygmunt F. von Wroblewski was born in 1845. He was the first to liquefy air on large scale and with K. S. Olszewski; He liquefied nitrogen, oxygen and carbon monoxide (CO). [date=29-10] Marcellin Berthelot was born in 1827. He was a French chemist. Carl Djerassi, Austrian chemist, was born in 1923. [date=30-10] Hermann F. M. Kopp was born in 1817. He was a researcher on atomic and molecular volume, crystallography, boiling points, specific heats and dissociation. He was also a historian of physical chemistry. In 1895 Gerhard Domagk discovers the properties of prontosil, orange-red dye containing sulfanilamide. He won the Nobel Prize in 1939, for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil. In 1952 he reports that isoniazid had anti-tubercular properties (opened age of chemotherapy). [date=31-10] Adolf von Baeyer, German chemist, Nobel laureate, was born in 1835. John A. Pople, who received the Nobel Prize for his development of computational methods in quantum chemistry, was born in 1925. [date=1-11] Robert B. Laughlin, American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate, was born in 1950. [date=2-11] C. H. C. Willgerodt, researcher in the conversion of internal ketones to terminal thioamides (Willgerodt reaction), was born in 1841. [date=3-11] Scottish scientist Daniel Rutherford was born in Edinburgh in 1749. [date=4-11] Charles L. Reese, who improved the manufacture of dyes and explosives was born in 1862. [date=5-11] Paul Sabatier, researcher in catalysis in organic chemistry and Nobel Prize winner, was born in 1854. [date=6-11] Ian M. Heilbron, who synthesized naturally occurring compounds such as vitamins A and D, was born in 1886. [date=7-11] Polish chemist Marie Curie was born in 1867. Italian scientist Lise Meitner was born in 1878. Chandrasekhara V. Raman, discovered the Raman effect, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1930 for physics, was born in 1888. [date=8-11] Mikhail V. Lomonosov was born in 1711. He suggested the law of conservation of mass and theory of heat as a form of motion. He opposed phlogistic chemistry and was the first to record the freezing of mercury. [date=9-11] Vladimir N. Ipatieff, researcher in catalytic chemistry of unsaturated hydrocarbons, was born in 8167. Ronald G. W. Norrish, researcher in extremely fast chemical reactions (and Nobel Prize winner in 1867 for his work on then), was born in 1897. [date=10-11] Andres M. Del Rio, who discovered vanadium in 1801, was born in 1764. [date=11-11] In 1945 Glenn T. Seaborg announced discovery of americium and curium on the "Quiz Kids" radio program. [date=12-11] English chemist John William Rayleigh was born in 1842. [date=13-11] James Clerk Maxwell, research of electromagnetic theory and the kinetic theory of gases, was born in 1831. Kristian Birkleland, Norwegian scientist, was born in 1867. [date=14-11] Louis Nicolas Vauquelin died in 1829. He was the discoverer of beryllium. [date=15-11] St. Albertus Magnus was born in 1193. He discovered arsenic. In 1810 Humphry Davy announced the elementary nature of chlorine to the Royal Society. [date=16-11] Joel H. Hildebrand, researcher in solubility and introducer of helium into deep-sea diving, was born in 1881. [date=17-11] George T. Beilby was born in 1850. He invented a process for retorting shale. He synthesized alkaline cyanides and constructed the first factory for its synthesis. [date=18-11] Lawrence E. Glendenin, co-discoverer of promethium, was born in 1918. [date=19-11] Jean-Antoine Nollet, French abbot and physicist, was born in 1700. Georg Hermann Quincke, German physicist, was born in 1834. James B. Sumner, American chemist and Nobel Prize in Chemistry, was born in 1887. Arthur R. von Hippel, a German-born physicist, was born in 1898. [date=20-11] Otto von Guericke was born in 1602. He invented the water barometer, air pump, manometer and sulfur electrostatic machine. He performed the Magdeburg hemisphere experiment. [date=21-11] Hieronymus T. Richter, co-discoverer of indium, was born in 1824. [date=22-11] In 1875 Dmitri I. Mendeleev stated that gallium is identical to eka-aluminum. [date=23-11] Johannes D. van der Waals, researcher on intermolecular attraction, was born in 1837. [date=24-11] The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin was published by Oxford University Press in 1859. [date=25-11] Julius R. von Mayer, who discovered the law of conservation of energy, was born in 1814. [date=26-11] In 1801 Charles Hatchett announced his discovery of columbium (niobium) before the Royal Society. C. Adolphe Wurtz was born in 1817. He discovered a method of synthesis of hydrocarbons (Wurtz Reaction), methyl and ethylamines, phosphorous oxychloride and glycol. John A. R. Newlands, a researcher in to the periodic laws of element and deviser of the Law of Octaves, was born in 1837. [date=27-11] Lars Onsager, researcher in thermodynamics of irreversible reactions and Nobel Prize winner, was born in 1903. [date=28-11] Announcement of first pure compound of berkelium based on work at University of California, Berkeley, 1962. [date=29-11] Yuan T. Lee, Nobel Prize winner (1986) for his contributions concerning the dynamics of chemical elementary processes, was born in 1936. [date=30-11] The English chemist Smithson Tennant was born in 1761. [date=1-12] The German chemist Martin Klaproth was born in 1743. Elements 114 and 116 are given the provisional names Flerovium and Livermorium by IUPAC in 2011. [date=2-12] Isabella Karle, a researcher on three dimensional structure of molecules using x-ray and electron diffraction, was born in 1921. The first self-sustained nuclear chain reaction by an atomic pile was produced at the University of Chicago in 1942. [date=3-12] Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn, a researcher on x-ray spectroscopy was born in 1886. In 1924 he wins the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discoveries and researching the field of X-ray spectroscopy. Paul Crutzen, researcher in the chemistry of the atmosphere was born in 1933. In 1995 he wins the Nobel Prize together with Mario Molina and F. Sherwood Rowland for their work in atmospheric chemistry, particularly concerning the formation and decomposition of ozone. [date=4-12] C. H. Herty was born in 1867. He worked on the chemistry of natural resources and established the manufacture of paper from Georgia pines. [date=5-12] Werner Heisenberg, a researcher in quantum mechanics and developer of the Heisenberg Principle, was born in 1901. In 1932 he won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the creation of quantum mechanics. The first paper on ion chromatography was submitted in 1974 on to "Analytical Chemistry" by H. Small, T. S. Stevens, and W. C. Bauman. It was entitled "Novel Ion Exchange Chromatographic Method Using Conductimetric Detection". [date=6-12] French chemist Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac was born in 1778. [date=7-12] In 1909 a patent was granted for the first thermosetting man-made plastic from a reaction of phenol (C6H5OH) with formaldehyde (CH2O). [date=8-12] Three atoms of Roentgenium were created at the GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, 1994. [date=9-12] German-Swedish chemist Karl Wilhelm Scheele was born in 1742. Fritz Haber was born in 1868. He created the Haber Process that synthesizes ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen under high pressures. In 1918 he won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for this process. [date=10-12] In 1904 William Ramsay was presented with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry "in recognition of his services in the discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air and his determination of their place in the periodic system". In 1922 Frederick Soddy (1877-1956) was presented with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his contributions to the knowledge of the chemistry of radioactive substances and his investigations into the origin and nature of isotopes. [date=11-12] In 1844 Horace Wells, a dentist, discovered the use of nitrous oxide as anesthetic. [date=12-12] William Henry, discoverer of Henry's Law, was born in 1775. His law states that the amount of gas absorbed by a liquid is proportional to the gas pressure. William H. Balmain was born in 1817. He discovered boron nitride and called it aethogen from its luminescence in a flame. The announcement of the first pure compound of californium was made at a meeting of the American Nuclear Society in 1960. [date=13-12] Kristian Birkeland was born in 1867. Together with S. Eyde, he performed the first industrial fixation of nitrogen. [date=14-12] Max Planck announced his formula for the blackbody spectrum in 1900. In 1940 Glenn T. Seaborg, Edwin M. McMillan, J. W. Kennedy, and A. C. Wahl performed the first bombardment of uranium oxide with 16-MeV deuterons to produce plutonium. [date=15-12] Johann W. Dobereiner was born in 1780. He postulated the theory of triads showing periodicity in the elements. He was a researcher on catalytic action of platinum and he invented an instantaneous lighting lamp (the Dobereiner lamp). Antoine H Becquerel was born in 1852. He discovered radiation from uranium salts. In 1903 he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity. [date=16-12] Johann W. Ritter was born in 1929. He discovered ultra-violet rays, collected oxygen and hydrogen by electrolysis, made the first dry cell battery, made a storage battery and established connection between galvanism and chemical reactivity. Bruce N. Ames was also born in 1929. He developed the Ames Test, an indicator of carcinogenicity of chemicals that measures the rate of mutation by a chemical in bacteria. [date=17-12] English chemist Sir Humphry Davy was born in Penzance in 1778. John Lawrence Smith was born in 1818. He was a researcher in toxicology and mineralogical chemistry. Michael Faraday announced the first law of electrolysis in 1832. "Chemical power like magnetic force, is in direct proportion to the absolute quantity of electricity which passes." Willard F. Libby was born in 1908. He developed carbon-14 dating. Discovery of neutron-induced nuclear fission of uranium by Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann, Berlin, 1938. [date=18-12] Joseph J. Thomson was born in 1856. He discovered the electron. [date=19-12] Thomas Andrews was born in 1813. He discovered that every gas has a critical temperature above which it cannot be liquefied. Berkelium was discovered in 1949 by ion exchange chromatography at Berkeley, University of California. [date=20-12] Einsteinium was discovered in 1952 at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. [date=21-12] Thomas Graham was born in 1805. He is the discoverer of the laws of diffusion (Graham's Laws). [date=22-12] William L. Evans, authority in chemistry of carbohydrates, was born in 1870. [date=23-12] Axel F. Cronstedt was born in 1722. He discovered nickel and zeolite. [date=24-12] James P. Joule was born in 1818. He's the discoverer of the law of heating of conductors. The Joule, the unit of work of energy, is named after him. [date=25-12] Isaac Newton was born in 1642. He was a mathematician, a physicist and the discoverer of the laws of gravity, nature and light. The English chemist William Gregor was born in 1761. He discovered titanium. [date=26-12] German chemist Clemens Alexander Winkler was born in 1838. [date=27-12] Louis Pasteur was born in 1822. He was a researcher in sterochemistry, optical activity of tartaric acids and fermentation. He invented the process of sterilizing food (Pasteurization). [date=28-12] Vladimir V. Markovnikov was born in 1838. He synthesized cyclobutane and cycloheptane derivatives. He formulated Markovnikov's Rule for additions to alkenes. [date=29-12] Ellen Gledirsch was born in 1879. She made accurate measurements of the half-life of radium. The announcement of the discovery of heavy water (D2O) was made in 1931. [date=30-12] Ductile tungsten for incandescent bulb filaments was patented in 1913. [date=31-12] Colin G. Fink was born in 1881. He was a researcher, developer, industrialist and a teacher in electrochemistry. He developed ductile tungsten for incandescent lamp filaments, an insoluble anode for electrowinning copper, an electrolytic process for the faithful restoration of corroded ancient bronzes, the development of hot dipped aluminum coatings, the electrodeposition of metals and in particular a commercial process for chromium plating.